Contact: Linda Murrin
866-847-3405 x108
[email protected]

For Immediate release

July 2013 Product Release

Elmhurst, IL (July 5, 2013) – Common Goal Systems, a leading developer of cloud-based software for schools, announces several enhancements to TeacherEase and SchoolInsight. TeacherEase is software for the digital classroom and includes: Learning Management System, Curriculum and Lesson Planning, and Standards-based Gradebook. SchoolInsight is a comprehensive student information system.

The new functionality includes:

Online Quizzes. Build online quizzes to assess students’ knowledge of classroom material. Questions can be essay, fill in the blank, matching, ordering, short answer, or true/false. Auto-grading supported for some question types, and scores are pushed into the gradebook. This release is just the first version of online quizzes, and is software infrastructure. Expect future enhancements to include features like item banks, reusing and copying items, and standards-based formative assessment. These new features are available as part of the LMS module.
     Instructor Main > Curricula > Create Assignment > Add resource > Online Quiz

Real-time viewing of student work. From their computers, instructors can watch students work on online documents. Text will be updated on the instructor’s screen in real-time. This allows instructors to keep students on-task and identify students who need assistance.
     Instructor Main > Status Console > [click on a document]

Preview curricula and lessons. While using the curriculum tree, the active item is now automatically displayed in a “Preview Pane” on the right-hand side of the page. Easily view units, lessons, assignments, and digital resources. This new functionality should increase ease of use and teacher productivity.
     Instructor Main > Curricula

Create shared assignments and lessons. When an assignment/lesson is created in multiple classes or subjects, it is automatically shared. This allows edits to be applied to all those assignments/lessons at once, instead of editing each one separately. This makes it easier to manage data in TeacherEase, traditionally separate assignments/lessons were created. The same functionality is available when copying lessons/assignments, you have the option to “Share between Classes/Subjects” or “Make a Separate Copy. “
     Instructor Main > Lessons > Create Lesson
     Instructor Main > Assignments > Create Assignment
     Instructor Main > Curricula > Copy Curricula

Improved announcement feature. More ways to target community communications. Announcements can now be sent specifically to contacts and/or students. Teachers and administrators can also be CC’ed. This feature is available at the school and district levels.
     School Main > Email/Announcements > Announcements > Send Announcements
     District Main > Email/Announcements > Announcements > Send Announcements

New login page. Updated look and feel of our login page. See what’s new at Common Goal Systems. We’ll be utilizing this space to help inform you about our latest news. Users may want to bookmark this page to login quickly.
     Home > Login

Common Goal Systems ( provides web-based services for education. It provides SchoolInsight, an industry leading student information system and TeacherEase, software for the digital classroom. Using Software as a Service (SaaS), the company offers products via the Internet and is responsible for all system operation and maintenance. Founded in 2001, Common Goal Systems has hundreds of thousands of users worldwide.

- Common Goal Systems, Inc Press Release, July 5, 2013