Contact: Linda Murrin
866-847-3405 x108
[email protected]

For Immediate release

March 2011 Product Release

Elmhurst, IL (March 11, 2011) - Common Goal Systems (, the makers of SchoolInsight and TeacherEase, announces several major enhancements to its web-based software today. "We're happy to bring these robust changes to our subscribers at no additional charge," says Pat Helmers, Vice President of Sales for the company. "Because our software is 100% cloud computing, these updates are available instantly to our customers." An overview of these changes will be presented in a webinar on Monday, March 21 at 1pm CST. To register go to:

The new functionality includes:

Spanish Language Parent Portal (Beta)
Drive higher parent engagement by providing a more comfortable environment for interacting with the school. The parent portal can now be viewed in Spanish. Parents select desired language when they log in. Admins can set default language for each email address. Please note that this offering is currently in beta, feel free to comment on the quality of our translations.

Tuition Management
New flexibility for the management of Tuition and Fees. Create and manage tuition schedules; use them to create student fees and bill for tuition. Build and maintain multiple payment plans (lump sum, 2 payment, monthly, etc). Apply flexible discounts (multi-child, employee, scholarships). All new features incorporated into our already robust reporting mechanism.

District Entities
Standardize the data at schools for easier maintenance in larger districts. Manage academic years, calendars, grading periods, grading scales at the district level. Control whether or not schools can make changes to district values.

Account Security
Improved login security. Set district policy for number of logins before temporary lockout. Login history is saved and available.

Student Promotion
Improved control over student promotion process. Schools/districts now have the ability to define which schools in the district can promote their students to other school's future years.

Take attendance from seating chart
Match the name with a face. Improved name/face recognition for instructors with new classes. See student's photos when taking attendance.

Student Enrollment History
View student's enrollment history in the district at a glance. See school entry and exit codes and dates for the entire time student has been at the district.

Student Alerts
View at a glance critical student health and contact information. New General alerts field on students too. Visible on student single view and multi-view pages.

Enhanced Student Creation Process
Improve data integrity and decrease data entry time. Check for existing students across the district before creating a new record. Copy address and other data from siblings to reduce data entry time.

Import Grades
Faster data entry and improved accuracy of grades from spreadsheet or text file. Instructors can now import grades from external data sources. Also export a CSV template that can be filled out and easily reimported.

Improved Custom Student Import
Automatically identify columns in student import files and match to fields in the SchoolInsight database. View the first line of the import file on the same page as the available fields. Improved usability will aid importing.

Common Goal Systems ( provides web-based services to help schools and teachers work more efficiently. In addition to SchoolInsight and TeacherEase, the company develops other modules: health, discipline, advanced scheduling, and lunch. Using the Software as a Service model (SaaS), the company offers its products via the Internet and is responsible for the deployment, operation, and maintenance of the IT infrastructure. Founded in 2001, Common Goal Systems has hundreds of thousands of users around the world.

- Common Goal Systems, Inc Press Release, March 11, 2011