TeacherEase has an assessment tool for standards-based learning. Build assessments that match your curriculum and learning targets. Measure student learning and inform instruction. Analyze results, form dynamic groups, and differentiate. Use common assessments for high-quality and consistency. Engage staff to think about standards-based learning as they construct assessments.
Easily capture data on student mastery
Inform instruction using analysis
Engage students with more relevant activities
Increase learning
Promote consistent assessment
Lighten teachers' loads by reducing paper
Get teachers thinking about assessment
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Group PricingIntegrate electronic assessment, based on your curriculum, into the daily instructional cycle: plan, teach, and assess. Students take quick assessments on today's concepts and generate learning data.
Easily analyze assessment data and get understandable results. Determine each student's level of mastery. Use data to guide large group instruction, form dynamic groups, and individualize student work. Teachers can match instruction and activities to students' needs.
Engage staff in professional development to build assessments that match your curriculum. Get teachers thinking about assessment and how students learn. Build "bite-size" assessments that can be used everyday, or larger ones at the end of marking periods that feed report cards.
As assessments are built, each item can be aligned to standards and leveled. Specify the complexity of each question, and use student results to automatically calculate standards-based mastery.
In addition to building assessments, import item banks purchased from textbook publishers or professional content providers. Reduce assessment development time and increase measurement accuracy with nationally normed items.
As a class learns, individual student mastery will often vary, sometimes widely. Easily identify each student's current skills, and give them activities appropriate for their level. Reduce confusion for slower students and boredom for faster ones.
Online assessment is a productivity tool for teachers, saving them time and freeing effort for other activities. Autograde multiple choice, short-answer, matching, and many other question types.
Moving homework, quizzes, and tests online reduces the paper teachers carry. This helps even in a manual grading environment, as they can access all student work from a single device.
TeacherEase is built to tightly couple standards, assessments, gradebook, report cards, and analysis. Data flows automatically as required.
Works on a variety of platforms (laptop, tablet, and mobile). Give assessments online or on paper.
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